Ops-Core Counterweight Overview

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This is the Ops-Core Counterweight. If you're looking at one of these, you probably have a night vision solution on the front of your helmet that's making your helmet tilt forward or maybe a thermal and you're looking for a way to balance out your helmet and that's exactly what this is intended to do. Now this is designed specifically for Ops-Core helmets. So if you try to put this on a helmet that's on Ops-Core, you might be able to make it work, but like I said, it is designed for the Ops-Core series of helmets. So what this pouch is, is an adjustable weight pouch. So you have five 70 gram weights in here that you can remove and it goes up to 0.85 pounds.

So you can kind of customize the weight of this to what setup you have. So if you have duals, you'll probably want four or five of these weights, especially if you're using a bump helmet or if you're using a PVS-14, maybe two or three. You just get to kind of figure it out and play with the weights as you go. So this pouch will come with four screws. The screws are intended to replace the screws on the back of the helmet if you're using a ballistic helmet. So the screws just need to be a little bit longer. So this pouch will come with the longer screws you need if the screws on your helmet are too short when you mount this.

When I want to install this on the helmet, what I'm going to do is I'm just kind of velcro it in place where I want it. Just about like that. And as you can see, these two screws that attach the rail to the helmet are what the screws I'm going to have to remove. Now, these screws also hold in the head-borne system, the tinge strap. So as you remove the screw, you just want to kind of keep your finger in place so you don't lose the female end. I'm going to start by just unthreading this. Now, this is a bump helmet. I'm actually able to use the screws that come with the helmet. I don't need the longer screws that come with the pouch.

Once I get that screw out, I'm going to then open this guy up and then loosen this guy up so I can actually reach the screw hole. I like to get the screw started with my hand before I start using a screwdriver of some kind. So if this little guy slides off and you kind of forget the orientation is supposed to be this will fit around the rail. So if you are upside down, it just kind of will kind of look weird. So just know that the shape of the rail will fit into this kind of like a puzzle piece.

Get these guys lined up. Same thing. Screw started with just my fingers. Then I'll use my screwdriver. So pretty simple. Now from here, before I tighten this guy down, I can just check the alignment and see if I need to move this pouch up and down on the Velcro because this guy can come off and these can stay in place. I do try to thread these on with this pouch still attached to them because it's a little bit difficult, especially if you have a helmet cover to get this to thread back through. But I'll demonstrate it just in case you guys accidentally slip it through.

Now from here, I'm going to do just make sure it's somewhat centered. Just cinch this guy down on both ends. And then this Velcro holds that in place. Now it's nice and secure and tight. I'm actually going to leave all the weights in there for now. I'm going to put the helmet on, see if I need to take any weights out and go from there. I want to check this in two ways. You want to do it with your nods up.

And me sitting here like this, I can feel my helmet pulling back just a little bit. So I'm probably going to have to remove a weight, maybe two. I also want to check it with the nods down. And I get the same kind of thing. So I can actually do this while wearing it. One weight out, cinch it back up. Feels much better. Feels good. So go ahead and leave it just like that. So you guys have any questions regarding the Ops-Core counterweight pouch, how to install it? Just anything at all, go ahead and shoot us an email at [email protected].