Streamlight TLR-7 sub Pistol Light Overview

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Product Introduction (00:00):
We're big fans of the TLR-7A it's what a lot of us carry on our Glock 19s and other kinds of pistols and Streamlight (a little after releasing that light) came out with this one, the TLR-7 sub. Now there's a couple things about this light that you need to understand. This is not your traditional weapon mounted light that you're gonna put on any of your pistols that have Picatinny rail or 1913, you know Glock G-rail or whatever. These are made specifically for the single stack or hybrid stack pistol that these are made for whether that's the 365, the Glock 43 or 48, or the Hellcat. So when you're purchasing one of these, this is not a normal weapon light purchase. This is going to be a dedicated light for a dedicated model of pistol. It's also obviously important to note that the early, you know, Glock 43s… Glock 43s and 48s did not have Picatinny sections on the bottom such as this one right here. So this light will obviously not work on one of those. This will only work on the models that actually have a Picatinny section on the pistol itself.

Installing Batteries (01:01):
So let's go ahead and open this up. It's in clamshell packaging. This is not frustration free packaging. Okay, well fine. So we've got the TLR-7 sub right here, And it will come with one CR 123 battery. We'll go ahead and install that first, because why not? When you're first taking this off to change out the battery (or in general) there is a small detent you have to defeat to actually get the cap to a point where you can actually screw it off. And they do that because there is a convenient (well, I'm not sure how I feel about it) sort of an on/off setting for the light to prevent negligent discharges of your light itself. I prefer just not hitting the button when I don't want to. But that is a feature built in, I'll show that here in a little bit. Cap comes off, battery goes in. Plus side is going to be inwards. Cap. And we're good to go.

So I'll show you the detent there's on the front right here or on the side, I should say there's a little dot that is solid filled and a dot that is not. Basically, if you come back to… You should kind of rotate back slightly, like an eighth of a turn. The light is not gonna be able to turn on and that's where you hit that detent that you gotta really push on before. Okay. Actually, I'm on the detent right now. That's the detent. And I really got a pull before I can actually start loosening the cap to change out the battery. So that's a little feature they built into this to allow you to actually force the light off without it starting to come unscrewed. And obviously the battery flying out.

But another cool thing about this light that is important to note, I really like that the battery is removed through the front. That means once you put this on the pistol, you don't have to constantly take the light off. You literally just have to drop a new battery in. Light can stay on your pistol. And I that's something that I really like. As far as mounting this to the pistol itself, we're going to loosen the thumb screw. It already has the proper Picatinny rail section here in the center.

Mounting (03:09):
We're gonna be mounting this to this Glock 48 MOS, which does have the Picatinny section here on the bottom. We are going to loosen the thumb screw. And when you push on it, you'll see that the little Picatinny section moves away that allows it to go onto the pistol. So there we go. We've rocked it onto the section. Now we're just going to tighten this down. So I've hand tightened this a little bit to keep it from falling off, but now we're gonna take a flathead screwdriver, and we're not gonna over… We're not gonna really tighten this sucker down because we don't wanna warp the frame or anything, but I've got it to where I start meeting a little bit of resistance. I'm just using two fingers on the flathead screwdriver itself. And I'm just gonna do like a… Like a quarter turn just with two fingers. And that should be good to go. If it starts to come loose, you can obviously tighten that down a little bit more.

Turning Off and On Strobe (04:04):
There's also this little red sticker on the front that has a bunch of liability warning stuff. You can take that off. It doesn't have to stay on there. But then you've got your TLR-7 sub mounted under the pistol ready to go. And what I really like about these particular lights, the TLR-7 a and the TLR-7 sub is it has the same switchology, which is going to be a downward push while I have my shooting grip which allows for really good recoil management, similar to a gas pedal on competition pistols. And the light does have a strobe feature. But that's gonna be something you're gonna have to program into the light. It does not come with a strobe feature enabled by default. And you are going to do that with the 10 tap, (the Streamlight 10 tap) where we're gonna tap the button 10 times 1, 2, 3, 4 5 6, 7, 8, 9 10.

Final Notes (04:50):
So now that I have this strobe feature enabled, if I tap once for constant, my light turns on normally, but if I double tap real quick, it will be constant on, I don't have to hold the light and that is going to strobe and blind myself. So not great. And then there's obviously still the momentary function that's happening. If I hold the button down and then release the light is gonna come off. When I go to move reload, do something else. And then you're just gonna hit the light 10 times, hold on the 10th for like five seconds. It will disable the strobe feature, which I don't recommend people use in general. But this light does have it built in if you're one of those people that likes to blind yourself and the enemy as well at the same time. If you have any other questions on this particular light, go ahead and email us [email protected].