When to Use Paper vs. Steel vs. Positive Identification Targets

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All right. So we have three different targets that we're showing how to train with. First, we have chameleon targets great for doing PID great for creating scenarios. Obviously you've gotta think about some of the contextual stuff behind them. Give people the proper direction before the scenario. In this case, I have a target with a firearm facing me, not necessarily in a threatening position, but based on the scenario possibly it's totally justifiable to engage. This one's got a shotgun from behind, pretty difficult to see, especially if you're at distance or under nods, something like that. Again, scenario dependent. Yep. Absolutely smoke this dude. This guy, no weapon visible, awesome.

Steel targets. Great for distance. Where steel targets. Make a lot of sense is using them a distance. While you can use them up close (And they're really fun and it's dessert and you get a feedback on getting your hits) Steel can still lie on based on where you're hitting. This is a reduced C-zone that we're shooting at about 460 meters. So I don't have to walk down there every time check hits.

All right. So it's two hits. If you're shooting inside of hundred meters, 50 meters, something like that, I highly recommend you shoot paper so you can actually see what your hits are. Because like I said earlier, steel can lie. If you're shooting a huge piece of steel and you get a ding up close. Well, is that a hit here? Or is that a hit right here with paper? I can find out exactly what's going on. And for this, I like to run a shot timer so I can have a understanding of how fast I'm actually shooting these things. Then I can go forward. See what my hits are like shooting at different speeds. Make sure my height over bore offset is good to go two credit cards while on the line, the transition over with four in the A-zone. So that's three different kinds of targets for three different types of training. They all have their place. Often people mix and match 'em for different things. Not always in the most efficient way possible. This is how we use them here at T.REX