Moving and Shooting

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Lucas (00:00)
So we're gonna work on static to static. So this is shooting on the move, kind of. We're gonna be moving and shooting. So we're starting on this stick. I've got two C zone pieces of steel. We're gonna only be firing one round per. We're forcing that transition and indexing and getting a sight picture. So it's gonna be: Draw, one shot, one shot. At this point, we are gonna move. And what I like to do when I move to the pistol, is I keep it downrange, and I keep it high. If I run with the gun down low and I'm running, like I naturally do, I'll end up flagging my arm. So I always try to keep my gun above where this arm is.

So gun's up here, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running. And, as I get to the stick, there's a few things we can do. We can get to it and we're gonna be straddling it, one foot over the other. We're not gonna be on one side of it or this side of it, cuz that's not precise. We gotta be like on top of it. I wanna get my head up on whichever of these targets I'm going to be shooting first, which in this case is most likely gonna be that one. Cuz it's the least harsh angle that I'm arriving to. So as I'm arriving, head comes up, I get in position, I get my I sight picture, one shot, transition over, one shot. And if I have a decent base as I arrive and I'm, you know, really lowering my center of gravity, I got some nice bend in the knees, I'll be able to transition across to this guy with my hips still. If I'm upright like this, it's a lot harder to actually transition to that guy with my hips. But if I'm kind of relaxed, I'm a little lower as I arrive, I'll be able to transition to this guy much more effectively.

So let's see what it looks like. I'll go 80%, 70%. There's a buzzer… Buzzer. A timer's attacked you! Alright. I'll need to make some room, 'cause I'll be outta here pretty quick. I should be, we'll see though.

Shooter (01:42)
Shooter ready?


Stand by.

Head comes up. Actually, I didn't think that shot was gonna land, so I took an extra.

So I am gonna take an extra if I miss?



We're gonna get our hits. I called it, thought I was off, but I was actually on cuz my sight was off on the left side. So you see, kinda see what I did there. I was trying to go a little slower, but my head came up way before I got here and I was able to settle in while getting on the sight, shot, and then I actually took another one, transitioned across, and I was set. 5.94.

Shooter (02:28)
Uh can I go whatever speed?

Yep. Whatever speed you want. Let's go like 80%, 70%. I may verbally call some stuff. One on each. If you take some makeups, that's fine. Shooter ready? Stand by. Good. One more. Good. Gun up. Good. Head up. Good. Holster up. Good stuff. Let's go back over to this side and do it again. So that's good. You have a little hesitation transitioning. That's, that's alright. We're gonna get that dealt with.

I thought I was… I don't know what I thought. I think maybe I thought I was gonna do two shots here or just run.

Lucas (03:14)
Yeah, no, you're good. We're gonna do again. Same speed. Nice and comfortable. And once we get there, we're going to get our head on the targets, just like you did, eyes lead, gun follows, and we'll be set. Shooter ready?



Alright. Stop. Stop. Stop, stop. Stop. Holster up. Do you know what you did there?

I didn't slow down?

On the… ?


No, you're doing the holster pause again. So let's try. Let's try to work on it.

Can you demonstrate what that is?

So a holster pause. Well kind of what you're doing is you're going.

Oh, okay. Yep.

Lucas (03:50)
So let's do it again. And let's go ahead and fix that. Gotta start building some good habits. Yep. Just like that. And if we're doing the whole thing 70%, we'll just 70% the holster and get it smooth. There you go. Just like that. All right. You good? Remember to get that wall. Get the shot. Stand by.

Am I going through?

Yeah, yeah. Standby.

Good. Good. Eyes on the target. Good! Holster up. Excellent. So one thing you're doing and with practice, you'll get better at this is—and this is great—as you're running through, you're like head coming up, head coming up, head coming up, and then right at the end you're like, "There's the stick." And then I'm coming up. What you should be able to do is I see where I'm going, where the stick is, and it's kind of an agility—you can do it without shooting—I see the stick is here, I know where I need to go. My eyes come to the target. In my peripheral I can still see the stick. It's super high-contrast on this gravel and I can set in without having to look at it again. So let's go ahead and try that without even shooting. From that stick, gun out, aimed at that target. On buzzer your gonna just run to this stick, get in position and get your gun back on that one. We won't even fire, no shooting necessary. Stand by.

Lucas (05:12)
All right. You're off a little bit. Let's do it again. Double practice run. Exact same thing. Eyes look to where you're going and then eyes on target and your feet will land in position. Standby. Good. Just like that. Look where your feet are. You're good to go. So there's no reason for us to constantly look at the ground, look at the ground, look at the ground, look at the ground, look at the ground, then come up. Cause that's gonna cost us time and we're just not seeing as much downrange as we should. All right, let's run it one more time with live fire, 80% speed. Whatever you wanna do. Remember that smooth draw all the way through on the wall. One, one, move one, one. Shooter ready?


Standby. Good! Good job. That was excellent. Movement was so much better getting on the gun was great. And now it's just a matter of working on shooting. That was good. Good stuff.