Using LPVOs for Threat Identification

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All right.

One of them blew down. So just a little Chameleon drill, little target identification. Generally, depending on the target, this one is a pretty easy one

But sometimes these targets are a little hard to see, you know. What kind of weapons they have and where they are. If they're aiming a gun and that's contrasted against their clothing and their body, it makes it very hard to actually properly identify that target, which is where something like this, an LPVO, comes in handy, even at a short distance like this (30 meters, 40 meters) where I can power up "4 by" then actually see what's going on and take shots a little more accurately if need be. On this guy though I didn't need it too much, but I did run it on him because I was scoping through a car to see where his hands were because I all I could see… I could see this hand. I could not see this hand. So I just moved a little bit powered up and then I could see everything clear as day. This guy blew down. I would've definitely needed magnification. Granted his posture indicates a phone. So a little easier. Although the magnification would've seen that my hits on this guy are as follows. We have three Charlies (neck) outside vital zone (Although still it would be a good hit) And then in the arm right here. So not too bad.