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If you’re mounting an RMR on the slide of your handgun, using a sealing plate is an absolute must. With most RMR and slide combos, the optic is slightly larger than the slide itself, so this ends up leaving a portion of the bottom, where the battery and electronics are located, slightly exposed. This means moisture could enter the electronics and potentially cause damage. We include an RMR Sealing Plate with all RMRs that are purchased from our website, but just in case you purchased an RMR from someone else, you can snag a sealing plate here.
- 1x Trijicon RMR Mount Sealing Plate (RM63)
- 1x Trijicon sticker (PR15).
Made from stainless steel. Compatible with all Trijicon manufactured RMR pistol mounts.

Do I need to use a sealing plate for the SRO?
No, the SRO is good to go. It has an above-board battery compartment; the bottom is not open to the elements.