T.REX Scaled Dry Fire Targets Overview

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Dry Fire was one of the most important tools that I used as I became a grandmaster in USPSA. With Dry Fire you're gonna need something to aim at something to have a visual representation of where your sights are going on target as You present out that you can have a reference point of saying whether it was good or bad.

Some people will use pieces of tape and that is okay I'm not gonna knock that at all but that can lead to some kind of fudging So is it on the piece of tape is it slightly off the piece of tape? I personally like to use a scale targets. So here we have the T.REX Scaled Dry Fire Target pack. A one pack of targets will comes with ten individual targets five of the different sizes that we sell of the one-third and the one sixth size.

These are perfect to actually present the gun at see where your sights are going pull the trigger of an empty chamber and all that fun stuff. This gives you a good representation of was your sights actually on the a was it on the charlie was on the delta. So you actually you can get better and you can push speed saying oh man that shot was on the delta let me push it back to the alpha and get that representation of better than a actual just piece of tape can give you.

So these are small so you can have different distances as well. I can have a five yard hallway that you're gonna be dry firing in and this will give you multiple differences you can do you can go head box low body, whatever it is. I like to stage these around my house personally is actually use velcro on the backs of these, then I'll have velcro strategically placed in my garage change up my targets whenever I want to but these will work exceptionally well as well just placing them. Lean it up against the wall piece of tape whatever it is. Also, you can if you want to these are going to permanently mark your targets. But you can actually do a small reference aiming point of a black dot in the center of the targets and you can aim at Continuously whatever it is just be careful because then you have a black dot on your target. So if you have any questions about these Dry Fire targets emails at [email protected].