Video Transcript
You probably know that T.REX ARMS would like people to own firearms so that they can protect themselves and others. But owning firearms is not enough. If you're going places, you need a way to carry them with you, which is why we've been making holsters for many, many years. But even carrying a firearm is not enough. You actually need to be proficient in its use. That's why we've been making all sorts of educational content about training. But even being proficient with the weapon is not enough. You need to be prepared to use it and you'll be in a better place if you're prepared for the aftermath. And that is where this book comes in. The Law of Self-Defense Principles by Andrew Branca. This is a book that we have recommended to a number of people also for many years. But I'm very pleased that we are able to start selling it now.
So in this book, there are legal definitions, documentation and a better understanding of what happens during and after a shoot from a legal perspective. If you are involved in self-defense or defense of others, there's probably going to be some level of legal proceedings afterwards. And the more that you understand about that process or even just the terminology that is involved, the better. Not only for after this potentially happens, but helping you think through these things in the future. So I highly recommend that you get this book and go over some of this stuff.
Just understanding the way that the legal system works, the way that self-defense is defined, defense of others, innocence, brandishing, disorderly conduct, all these things are extremely important to think through. Not only from a legal defense perspective, but also a defense of life perspective. There's a bunch of case files in here describing things that have happened in the past, the way that the court case went, the way that the jury ruled. Just a bunch of stuff that is really good to think about. But one of the things that comes out in the book is that being prepared is very important. You already knew that. But even just having this book and being able to prove that you bought it, you studied it, you underlined some passages, even that might help you in a court of law to show that you did your due diligence long before you ever used a weapon to defend your own life. I'm sure that you are competent to describe Castle Doctrine or stand your ground laws well enough to argue them on Twitter, but could you argue them in a court of law? I think that this book represents some really rigorous thinking on some of these issues.
Hopefully, you will never need to use your firearm to protect yourself. Hopefully, you will never need the principles in this book to defend yourself in court. But thinking through these things ahead of time is really, really important. And I think that it helps build a lot more consideration and a lot more understanding of the responsibility that comes with carrying a lethal weapon and being prepared to use it. If you have any questions about this book, you can talk to our customer service guys, [email protected]. But you've got to remember, they are not lawyers. Nothing that they tell you constitutes illegal advice. You have to get that from the book.