SIG SAUER ROMEO4XT-PRO Red Dot Sight Overview

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The Romeo 4XTPro is another micro red dot solution that has come to the market fairly recently and it's becoming pretty popular because of its somewhat budget friendly price point and all of the features that it offers. Now it has a lot of things in the box. We're gonna go for everything in the box, how to install everything, and then we're gonna get this guy throwing on a gun and talk about the features of this optic and why it's at the price point it's at.

So what's in the box is we have a lens wipe. We have an ARD or kill flash that will throw down to the front of the optic. We have a front and rear clear lens cover. We have a front black cover. And then we have these are the how you attach these guys. I'll demonstrate how those go on in a second. We also have a T10 bit for your mount screws. We have a little multi tool that has multiple flat heads. This little hex shape here is for your T10 bit. And I'll demonstrate how to work that in a second. Then you have a one half size guy for mounting the optic onto a gun. Actually using for the mount. We have a absolute coat on this mount and then a spacer.

When you put the spacer on now you have a lower one third option. For installing the lens covers and the kill flash ARD. The ARD kill flash is a little bit easier. It just threads on by itself to the front. Nice and simple. For the front and rear clear lens covers and the front black cover. You have these little… I'm going to call them locking rings. They don't lock in a place they thread on. But you're going to slide them on. So in case of the front black one or sliding it onto the thread on locking collar. I'm just going to call it that. And then this just threads in place. So you kind of want to hold the lens cover in place as you thread it on.

As it tightens down in place. And you'll be good to go. So before you tighten it all the way down just orientate this guy how you want it. Whether you want it to flip down flip up or whatever the case may be and then give it a little torque. Now there is a difference between the front locking collar and the rear just because of the geometry of the optic. So on the rear it is the same thing. And it threads on just like so. When you start messing with this you'll see that they can only go one way and they kind of just fit the geometry of the optic. So that's how you know you've done it properly.

For the mount itself we're going to just go with the lower one third option. So we're going to use the spacer. Just going to drop the spacer on to the optic. Kind of clicks in place. And then I'm going to put the mount on. The mount can go either way so you can have the screws facing either way. I'm going to put all of the bulk on to the one side so the screw is underneath the battery. You can just drop these screws in there just like so.

I'm going to just use this bit with my, just to get it finger tight for now. All four of them. The tool in this little hole here. We'll go over the bit. Then I'm just going to give it about a quarter turn more from finger tight. There you have it. Now she's ready to go and get mounted on the gun. Let's go ahead and install this on the gun. What I'm going to do is I'm just going to back this screw all the way out. It'll just make mounting it on to the rifle a little bit easier. It really just slides into place. Make sure I have room for that magnifier.

I'm going to use my fingers to get as tight as I can again. Then I'm going to take my multi-tool and we're going to give it just a little bit more. Probably do another eighth turn or so. Maybe a quarter turn and you'll be good to go. Now I mentioned, this optic does have a lot of features and that's why it's at the price point it's at. This optic has fantastic night vision settings. You have three night vision settings and nine daytime settings for brightness. When you're shooting passively, this is one of the most clear optics out there. Now when you're shooting during the day, you'll see a blue tint. That is a feature that SIG uses. For some reason when you're shooting through nods, you can't see the blue tint. So this optic is crystal clear, almost EOTECH clear for the passive shooting under nods.

Additionally, this uses a triple A battery which is very nice and it still has the 50,000 hours of battery. For the wind and elevation adjustments, they are half-em away, so you are going to be able to get a good, precise zero. And then one of the biggest features to this optic that majority of optics in this price range do not have is the multiple reticle system. So this optic does have four different reticles. You have a single standard red dot 2 MOA. You have a BDC option with that red dot. You have a 65-68 MOA ring, or you can do the BDC and the 65-68 MOA ring option.

So when you're cycling through those reticle options, all you're going to do is hold down both the plus and the minus option. Just stare through the optic, hold down for a couple seconds, and you'll see the reticle change. And you just continue to do that until you get to the reticle choice you want. Now, in between the plus and minus button is the night vision button. So this is the only downside to this optic, in my opinion, is this night vision override button. So what that means is if you hit this button, you don't have to hold it. All you have to do is click it. If you're in daytime settings, it will go all the way down to a night vision setting, and you won't be able to see a reticle during the day. Now, same thing happens at night, except the opposite direction. So if you're using this passively under nods, you have it super dim, and you accidentally press the night vision button, it's going to go to max brightness in your daytime setting. So to speak cognizant of that, we have a button blocker solution for 100 Concepts that you can add to this, and that will give it a little shroud around the button so you don't have to worry about accidentally bumping that button.

So that is the Romeo 4XT-Pro. This does come in black and FDE. If you guys have any questions regarding this optic, how to install it, anything in the box, anything at all, if you have any issues with trying to figure out how to swap your reticles, if you have a question at all, just go ahead and email us at [email protected].