Magpul MOE-K2 Grip Overview

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The Magpul K2 Grip is just another one of the many pistol grip options out there for your AR-15. Now this grip does offer some features that are a little unique and that is one of the reasons why it's one of the few options we offer on the website. This is personally my favorite pistol grip mainly because of the grip that it has on it and the grip angle. So I'm just going to compare the features for the Magpul K2 Grip, compare it to a standard A2 Grip, and we'll go from there. So let's look at the A2 Grip real quick. As you can see with the A2 Grip it's very slanted. This means you need a longer length of pull just to have that proper wrist ergonomics on your lower receiver. Comparatively to the Magpul K2 try and hold this up straight, is much more vertical. So as you can see it's much more vertical compared to an A2 Grip.

This is nice because one, you can shorten your length of pull and have that better wrist ergonomics and if you have an optic that has a shorter eye relief like an ACOG or a magnifier, I don't have to worry about having poor wrist ergonomics because of the grip angle and having a short eye relief. So that is one of the many benefits to this guy and then also the grip texture. So the grip texture on the Magpul K2 is one of the more aggressive grip textures out there. It's not like the B5 grip, the B5 is in my opinion, at is the most aggressive.

But what the Magpul K2 does feature is very aggressive on the sides and on the front and the back you have grip that allows you when you have the rifle in your shoulder, your hand's not slipping off as much comparatively to grips like the BCM that have no grip on the back. So let's go ahead and take off this A2 Grip, throw this guy on.

Another nice feature about the Magpul K2 Grip is that it comes with a different screw comparatively to your standard mil-spec flathead screw that will come with an A2. So once we get this out I'll show you the difference here and why that different screw is so nice. So the standard screw is just a flathead and this can be a little bit of an annoyance to get threaded when you have an angled grip, it's just kind of annoying. It's not difficult but there is an improvement here so sorry these grips are used.

So the new grip is the 3-16th Allen key so when I have a tool it kind of just sticks to it so when I sub this guy into the pistol grip it's just a little bit easier to install. So I'll take the K2 Grip what I like to do when I install these is literally just have the lower receiver sitting like this just kind of keep this spring in place with my thumb and there is a hole for the safety spring on the pistol grip. Just kind of line that up push it on and you're good to go. And like I said with this guy being so much easier compared to the flathead I can literally just guide this guy in there just like that and get it started.

If you are wondering how tight you need to go just go until you meet resistance and then give it another 1-8 turn maybe half a turn and you're good to go. You don't need to crank on this very hard. It will stay in place just fine. Now if you're meeting resistance as you're threading that screw in there you're probably cross threading. Just go ahead back it out and if you have gone too far where you're starting to damage the lower receiver most lowers can thread the screw from through where the trigger is. Go ahead and pop the trigger out thread the screw in and that will retrace the threads and that generally fixes a little bit of cross threading.

Another feature that the Magpul K2 Grip has is battery storage and the pistol grip. So it will come with a little bottom piece that's kind of a cover for it. You can drop batteries in there. Magpul even makes a bottle holder for lubrication. They make holders for batteries or you can just put your stuff in there put it in a plastic bag, tape it up so it doesn't bounce around and then you can just secure it with this guy like this.

Pistol grips are just one of those things that are very cheap and easy to replace on your gun that just makes your overall experience with your firearm much better. It makes the gun much more comfortable to hold. It just makes the gun feel better overall and the Magpul K2 Grip like I said in the beginning is definitely my favorite grip. If you guys have any questions regarding the Magpul K2 Grip, how to install these, just any questions at all, go ahead and email us at [email protected].