Ops-Core SF Helmet Cover Overview

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What we have here is the Ops-Core SF helmet cover. Now obviously this helmet cover is designed for the SF ballistic helmet. This also works with the bump helmet, the fast bump helmet. It is going to be obviously not as snug. It does fit really well though, but important note, it will not work with the RF one.

Now the RF one has much more material, so the dimensions are just a little bit bigger. So if you buy this helmet cover expecting it to fit your RF one, you're going to be a little disappointed. What comes in the bag is obviously your helmet cover itself. You'll get a little sheet from Ops-Core, but more importantly, the other thing that comes in here, you have four little circles of Velcro. So what we're going to do is we're going to slap this helmet cover on this helmet and just kind of show you guys how to throw this guy on in a simple and easy way.

So the first thing we're going to do is actually we're going to get this cover on the helmet and then we're going to place our little circles of Velcro inside the helmet. So the way I like to do this is you have this beautiful Velcro pattern that's on the helmet and on the inside of your cover you're going to have something very similar. So what I like to do is just start on one side, line up one of the pieces of Velcro so it's perfectly aligned, stretch it over, do the same thing.

And then I'll just kind of work my way back from there, ensuring that all of the Velcro is lining up. So you know the cover is on appropriately and nice and straight. Just like that. Now we have this one wrap that's hanging off. This is going to wrap inside the helmet and that's what these are for. So this Velcro is going to attach to these guys.

This guy's all good to go. There we have it. As you can see, it fits nice and tight. Looks really good on this helmet and pretty easy to install. Where you put these little circle pieces of Velcro is kind of up to you, kind of just depending on how tight you want to put this. I already have them in here. I've literally put them right on the inside, basically all the way over. It's not rocket science, guys. Just put it in a place that this Velcro engages. And then when I tuck this one wrap down, I want to tuck it all the way down so it's not folded over on itself. You can kind of feel that through the pad. There you have it. Just ensure that your retention bunions on the helmet are sticking through here.

And then on the back, you actually technically don't need to put the circle Velcro on the back here because you can wrap the one wrap down underneath one of your neck pads. So there's Velcro on the hard padding in here. In my experience, these kind of line up perfectly with the Velcro that's already on that hard foam. Now you're good to go. The features of this helmet cover are it's made of tweave. So it's kind of a stretchy material that looks really nice. You've got your Velcro pattern that replicates what's going on underneath of the cover. And then you have some routing solutions for cables or a battery pack, stuff like that. And then obviously you have your Velcro to continue to put your cool guy patches on.

We're going to start with our battery pack for our night vision. Just going to line this up, drop it on down. And I have bungees attached to the helmet just to ensure that this is secure. Just like so. Now I'm going to use the cable routing solution here to route my battery pack cable. There's no specific way you need to do this. I just kind of snake it through. Kind of trying to use up as much cable as possible. So I don't have a ton of slack in it when I get to the front. can just do something like that. And then when I'm not using this cable, I generally just tuck it under the tension bungee. So it kind of looks like that. Put our night vision on. Just like so. For the rest of this, using the Velcro that is on the helmet cover, I can attach my strobe.

I can put my flag patch over top of the cabling. Just another way to secure that cabling, this flag patch, will keep that nice and help reduce the snag hazard. And then I can put my cool guy patch on the other side. So there you have it guys. That is the Ops-Core SF helmet cover. If you guys have any questions regarding this helmet cover, the sizing of it, what helmets it'll work on, anything at all, just go ahead and shoot us an email at [email protected].